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St Thomas ofCanterbury

Latest News


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  • Year 5 & 6 ~ September 2022

    Published 04/10/22

    We have been practising "still life" by drawing fruit in our art sessions.


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  • Year 3 & 4 ~ September 2022

    Published 04/10/22

    We have been learning about the Stone Age and created cave drawings.  We are looking forward to our school trip to Celtic Harmony very soon!


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  • Year 1 & 2 ~ September 2022

    Published 04/10/22

    In science we have been discovering what plants need to stay healthy.  We have observed seeds germinating and have planted our own bulbs in the school garden which will hopefully have the right conditions to germinate and grow into healthy flowers.  We used some wonderful tools to help us plant.

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  • Early Years ~ September 2022

    Published 04/10/22

    We have enjoyed the story of "The Hungry Caterpillar" and have recreated a delicious meal for him.

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St Thomas of

High St, Puckeridge,
Ware, SG11 1RZ

08:45 - 15:15 (Opening Hours: 32.5 per week)

01920 821450