St Thomas Prospectus 2024

St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School

“Pupils enjoy being part of this close-knit school community. They are proud of their school. Pupils have positive attitudes towards learning and towards each other. When they join in Reception, children quickly learn, and live up to, the school’s values. Older pupils look out for younger children and check that they are happy.” On behalf of our pupils, staff and governors, I would like to welcome you and your family to St Thomas of Canterbury School, part of the St Francis of Assisi Catholic Academy Trust. We are a nurturing, half form entry Catholic Primary School in rural Puckeridge, East Hertfordshire. We strive to provide the best possible education in a caring, Christian environment. We have high expectations for all learners, developing skills for life, encouraging good self- esteem and a positive healthy mindset. If you would like to find out more about our school, please arrange a visit by contacting our Office Manager, Mrs W Sellers, on 01920 821450. We look forward to welcoming you! Best Wishes, Mrs Michelle Keating Executive Head Teacher Welcome OFSTED QUOTE FROM FEBRUARY 2023

Safeguarding The safety and wellbeing of all the children in our care is a priority for our school. We pride ourselves on the care and support that we provide for our pupils and their families. Mental Health andWellbeing In a world that places increasing pressure and demands on children, looking after their mental health and wellbeing has become increasingly important. We offer a successful pastoral care programme for all children, using a range of different schemes and resources. In addition, our PSHE programme provides a mindfulness approach to strengthen the children’s mental health and resilience. We firmly believe that every child deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential regardless of any barriers to learning during their school life or a Special Educational Need. We are committed to early identification of any needs and establishing an appropriate intervention programme to support their academic, social and emotional needs. We may also seek the support of specialist services from outside the school if required. We believe every child should be fully integrated in the classroom environment and support will be provided within the classroom whenever possible. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Wraparound Care We can provide “wrap-around” childcare through our partnership with “WASPS Out of School Club.” This local club currently run a Breakfast Club and an After School Club off site. They also run an Early Years Lunch time club and a Holiday play scheme, both at St Thomas’.

“Meaningful high-quality prayer and liturgy experiences are the backbone of this small school community united in Christ.” Mission Statement: “Learn, Love and Respect through Jesus” SCHOOL VISION AND VALUES: St Thomas of Canterbury School provides a secure, happy and respectful learning environment. Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. We aim for each individual to reach their academic, social and emotional potential and we work tirelessly to ensure that British Values are promoted, so that our children go forward as respectful, tolerant young people. We are a catholic school, but we welcome and embrace children and staff of different faiths or no faith. We provide a rich and diverse, broad and balanced curriculum. This gives our pupils the opportunity to explore their creative talents, sporting potential and appreciation of music, providing them with a deep understanding of the world in which we live. We are very proud to have an outstanding Forest School provision, which is utilised by every child during the academic year. Our school works closely with parents, governors, the parish and community to build a bright future for our children. We give our pupils a voice and build their selfesteem, helping them to become confident and emotionally resilient individuals. DIOCESE OF WESTMINSTER INSPECTION REPORT FEBRUARY 2024 “Leaders and Governors embrace their mission in education, ensuring Christ is at the heart of this school.” DIOCESAN OF WESTMINSTER INSPECTION REPORT FEBRUARY 2024

Christian Values We are very proud of our Catholic identity and ethos; Christian values are at the heart of everything we do. We strive to ensure our children develop respect, understanding and tolerance. Children are well prepared for life in modern Britain, in a culturally diverse society. Cardinal Vincent Nicholls celebrated Mass to commemorate the School’s 150th Year Anniversary in June 2023

Our outstanding Early Years setting has high ambition for all learners, regardless of their starting points or any Special Educational Need, and takes into account each child’s cultural capital. Our rich and diverse Early Years environment inspires our Nursery and Reception children to learn through both child initiated play and adult directed activities. Learning is planned and based upon individual children’s interests to develop motivated and engaged learners. Early Years “St. Thomas is doing a wonderful job of educating and guiding our child.”

“Children in Reception are encouraged to help each other socialise and learn. They learn ambitious vocabulary and enjoy sharing their learning with adults and other children.” “Children make outstanding progress in their learning and development in Early Years.” OFSTED QUOTE FROM FEBRUARY 2023 OFSTED QUOTE FROM FEBRUARY 2023

“Pupils are given opportunities to take part in artistic, sporting and cultural activities. They learn about local and global charitable events, which broadens their understanding of the wider world. Leaders promote pupils’ wider development through a thoughtfully planned personal, social and health education curriculum. There is a genuine culture of care between leaders, staff and pupils.” Curriculum Our intent is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum to all children in our school regardless of ability or any special need/disability. We strive for excellence in all areas of learning to help children fulfil their potential in a safe, nurturing and challenging environment. Within every subject we teach, we encourage children to acquire skills and develop their knowledge and understanding in order to instil a positive lifelong approach to learning. The curriculum is focused on progression of skills through revisiting areas of learning as children move up the school. Prior learning is developed and consolidated using a mastery approach aimed at creating a deep understanding of subject matter. For further information on our approach, see our website. OFSTED QUOTE FROM FEBRUARY 2023

“I couldn’t be happier with how the school supports my child’s personal development.” “I find Music very enjoyable as we get to create our own compositions with certain themes.” “I love P.E as there is a wide variety of sports and activities – there is a sport for everyone to enjoy.”

We are very proud of our Forest School Programme, which runs from Nursery to Year 6. Forest School allows learners the time and space to develop skills, interests and understanding through practical, hands on experiences. Based upon the Scandinavian education system, it aims to build self-esteem and independence through exploring and experiencing the natural world. With a strong emphasis on positive mental wellbeing, Forest School sessions are tailored to meet the needs of individuals within the group. Outdoor skills, such as tool work, structure building, fire lighting, cooking and investigating nature are all underpinned by a strong emphasis on communication, teamwork, resilience and character building. “I really enjoy Forest School, because it allows us to develop our independence.” Forest School

“Forest School has taught me so many skills such as shelter building, tying knots and fire lighting.”

St Thomas of Canterbury HIGH ST • PUCKERIDGE • HERTFORDSHIRE • SG11 1RZ 01920 821450